Error: Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation. - when accessing NetCommunity

※ Download: Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation

You will 100% want to test this not in production, but it seems that once the master key has been opened, you have the option to not require that with the ALTER MASTER KEY REGENERATE command. You can't post JavaScript. I have backups of the private key file and the certificate, but i do not have a backup of the master key file!

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Error: Please create a master key in the database or open the master key in the session before performing this operation. - when accessing NetCommunity - SQL is like a foreign language to me.

Remarks The database master key is a symmetric key used to protect the private keys of certificates and asymmetric keys that are present in the database. In SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2, the Triple DES algorithm is used. To enable the automatic decryption of the master key, a copy of the key is encrypted by using the service master key and stored in both the database and in master. Typically, the copy stored in master is silently updated whenever the master key is changed. This default can be changed by using the DROP ENCRYPTION BY SERVICE MASTER KEY option of. A master key that is not encrypted by the service master key must be opened by using the statement and a password. Information about the database master key is visible in the sys. For SQL Server and Parallel Data Warehouse, the Master Key is typically protected by the Service Master Key and at least one password. In case of the database being physically moved to a different server log shipping, restoring backup, etc. In order to recover the Master Key, and all the data encrypted using the Master Key as the root in the key hierarchy after the database has been moved, the user will have either use OPEN MASTER KEY statement using one of the password used to protect the Master Key, restore a backup of the Master Key, or restore a backup of the original Service Master Key on the new server. For SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse, the password protection is not considered to be a safety mechanism to prevent a data loss scenario in situations where the database may be moved from one server to another, as the Service Master Key protection on the Master Key is managed by Microsoft Azure platform. Therefore, the Master Key password is optional in SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse. Important You should back up the master key by using and store the backup in a secure, off-site location. The service master key and database master keys are protected by using the AES-256 algorithm. Permissions Requires CONTROL permission on the database. Examples The following example creates a database master key for the current database. The key is encrypted using the password 23987hxJ KL95234nl0zBe.


However, this default can be changed by using the DROP ENCRYPTION BY SERVICE MASTER KEY option of the ALTER MASTER KEY statement. I am getting looped. Assuming you know the ssisdb password, I am wondering if the solution from alwayson article would do it for you. Please drop it before performing this statement. If you liked this post, do like us on Facebook at and join our Facebook group Thank you, Karthick P. Init HttpApplication application +23 System. If none of them are working. In this case, it is not necessary to use the OPEN MASTER KEY statement. You can't post replies to polls.