
※ Download: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique key prop

I built an app with ReactNative both for iOS and android with a. I eventually found one problem that was way deep in a little tag list that was included inside various other pages. Sometimes, if you just have an array of strings, then you can use the identity of that item itself.

The importance of key is beautifully explained. If I click in here, you'll notice my focus is staying in the same input. If you don't know JSX, constructing the callback to JS to execute the various parts can be quite a pain.

Untitled - If we have 1, and 2, and 3, and we'll remove one, now things are all kinds of messed up.

I have a problem with the key props in a React JS component. Check the render method of Login. It was passed a child from App. App component is as follows : import React from 'react'; import Header from '.. Component { constructor props { super props ; this. UPDATE LoginForm component : import React from 'react'; import Link from 'react-router'; import TextInput from '.. Component { constructor props, context { super props, context ; this. But each time you iterate over an array you have to set the key prop to each of the resulting DOM element as React needs it to optimize the re-rendering. The reason behind this warning is that you have not passed 'key' property. React uses this property for optimizing the rendering process as in when something changes in React, a re-render will occur only for what all has changed. If our children are dynamic and in case they get shuffled with random functions or new components are introduced in the beginning of an array, the re-render is likely to get messed up. So, assigning this 'key' property helps us make sure that the state and identity of our components is maintained through multiple renders. The importance of key is beautifully explained. I certainly appreciate you updating your answer, but please actually post the code in your answer: links can and do go dead. If the code example is one that you got from somewhere else as opposed to created yourself, by all means add the link for attribution but still post the code inside your actual answer.


So, assigning this 'key' property helps us make sure that the state and identity of our components is maintained through multiple renders. I have looked at other similar errors here on stackoverflow but none of those seemed to solve this specific problem. That is why I'm suggesting that the error also add some information about the html surrounding the list - not just the component that generated the markup. If you don't know JSX, constructing the callback to JS to execute the various parts can be quite a pain. We can now add and remove items from that state, and then we render the items based on that state. However adding a index is not a good practice as this will not represent the item every single time. It turns out at least for me anywayI needed to supply a key a prop called 'key' to the component I am returning from my renderSeparator method. If you delete or add a new item to the list the index will change. What is the purpose of this warning. Has this just been changed. Now, let's say I want to get rid of orange. Here is what happens.